Monday, January 11, 2010

Presentation#1 Reflections and Self-Analysis

1. Successfully achieved purpose / main message?
My goal was to convey my passion about how much I loved to interact with people and how I found out about it through my thinking towards dance. My main message was that "little tiny moments you share with people constitutes everyday life, so we should make it happy and pleasant as possible, by giving smiles (for example)." I think that I achieved this goal, but I wanted to emphasis more about the main message, not only mentioning about it in the end.

Ideas for Improvement:

I think that I should of talked more about my main message at the end since I still had some time left.

2. Use of voice? (rhythm, emphasis, pausing, variation)
My goal was to speak in not so slow, nor too fast but appropriate speed and to speak in a passionate tone when emphasizing. I think that I was speaking in a normal speed, but I wanted to be more passionate when emphasizing my main message at the end since I couldn't say the last sentence fluently.
By watching the video, I realized that I was a little hyper at first, so I want to become more calm.

Ideas for Improvement:
I want to speak with more passion and emphasis so I need to simulate the presentation by first, imagining about it and then, by rehearsing it actually. I thought that I needed to have more clear ideal image of how I wanted to make my presentation look like. And for the emphasis part, maybe I should memorize the last lines (the main message) so that I could speak in more fluent way without getting stuck.
In addition, I thought that maybe I should speak louder because when I watch the video of my presentation, I always have to put the volume in max to hear my voice.

3. Use of body language?
(posture, gestures, eyes, face)
My goal was to stay calm and to give appropriate gestures. I noticed that I crossed my legs when standing to make myself relax but I thought that I might look too relaxed so I would like to avoid that.
I was nervous at first, but as I started my presentation, I think I started to feel comfortable presenting and became a little calm. I think I gave appropriate gestures, too.

Ideas for Improvement:
For my next presentations, I would avoid crossing my legs and be careful of my standing posture. Kaya also recommended me to have a little more gesture at the end, so I would like to think about gestures before presenting since I didn't do that this time and the gestures were all natural.

4. Use of visuals?

My goal was to use many images and also images that are using the slide fully, and I think that I achieved that goal. However, the title of my presentation "My Passion" could of have been better. But I think that I was able to give some visual impact by using actual pictures of me dancing since many people said that they liked the real pictures I used.

Ideas for Improvement:
Since I had more slides than the other presentations my friends gave, I should reduce the slides of the presentation.

5. Preparation & rehearsal process?
I think that the rehearsal I've done was very effective in memorizing the context. However,I should have thought about gestures or standing posture, too.

Ideas for Improvement:
For the next presentation, I would like to simulate the presentation and rehearse with gestures, caring about standing posture, volume of the voice, etc. and be prepared 100% fully. I thought that I should rehearse as if I am giving the real presentation.

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