Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Goals for the Presentation #1

1. Preparation/Rehearsal
I want to brainstorm what I want to talk about and choose my main message that I want to tell to the audience. And in my house, I'm planning to rehearse in front of the mirror as Mark said in the class. (;
2. Content / Overall Impression
I want my content to be concise, simple, and easy to understand. I want to tell what I think is important to do when interacting with people you may not know. I want the audience to practice that when meeting new people, or in everyday life. (hopefully!)

3. Voice
I want to speak in not so slow, nor too fast but appropriate speed. I'd like to talk in my normal tone, since I am going to be talking about my passion. But when emphasizing, I'd like to speak in passionate tone.

4. Body Language
I want to stay calm, and giving appropriate gestures. I think I'd like to use little cards or small notes writing keywords and some main points I'd like to check it when presenting.

5. Visuals
I'd like to use many images and also images that are using the slide fully.

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